- Exception "Invalid filter-parameter name format\r\nParameter name: filterParameterName" when using colons in quoted strings in sql-query T-SQL definitionsNH-2754
- Exception thrown when mapping contains empty enumNH-2738Resolved issue: NH-2738Alex Zaytsev
- Selecting into anonymous class generates invalid SQLNH-2707Resolved issue: NH-2707Alex Zaytsev
- paged join fetch with OpenStatelessSession always results the same rows regardless of SetFirstRow parameterNH-2676
- QueryOver doesn't have support for entity-nameNH-2674Resolved issue: NH-2674Fabio Maulo
- Casting a joined alias in QueryOver loses alias context and looks for property on QueryOver rootNH-2662Resolved issue: NH-2662Richard Brown
- Id Property With Private Setter Not Set With Lazy ClassesNH-2638Resolved issue: NH-2638
- NHibernate HQL batch update fails with "specified method not supported" exceptionNH-2562
- Nhibernate fails to delete entity on MySqlNH-2553Resolved issue: NH-2553
- Contains/StartsWith fails when invoked via WCF Data Service.NH-2539Resolved issue: NH-2539
- Sybase ASE 15 supportNH-2526Resolved issue: NH-2526
- More event types to handle transaction commit/rollbackNH-2523
- Regression - Binary Blob SerializationException - MSSQL 2k8 / varbinary(max)NH-2484Resolved issue: NH-2484
- EntityName + inheritance doesn't workNH-2473Resolved issue: NH-2473
- NHibernate DLLs not built with optimization in 'release' mode.NH-2464Resolved issue: NH-2464
- Exception in LINQ projection with redundant type cast - block using WCF Data Services projection'sNH-2463Resolved issue: NH-2463Alex Zaytsev
- Session.InsertUpdate is unable to get a property when the assembly and the namespace are different...NH-2458
- Problem with Subquery in Order using a Projections.PropertyNH-2448Resolved issue: NH-2448
- NHibernate.Persister.Collection.OneToManyPersister.ReadIndex() throws NullReferenceException when NHibernate.Loader.GeneratedCollectionAliases.SuffixedIndexAliases is nullNH-2447
- 'Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException' thrown when parsing HQL queryNH-2414Resolved issue: NH-2414
- OrderBy generates an inner join instead a left joinNH-2412Resolved issue: NH-2412
- HQL entity aliases matching class name cause error: "DOT node with no left-hand-side!"NH-2369
- Cannot cache query and data using LINQNH-2368Resolved issue: NH-2368
- Port support of unidirectional one-to-many with not nullable foreign key from HibernateNH-2353Resolved issue: NH-2353
- Unable to use ICriteria with projection property that references a composite key relationshipNH-2202Resolved issue: NH-2202
- AssertionFailure exception at ISession.SaveNH-2145Resolved issue: NH-2145
- Session still dirty even after refreshing of (only) changed entityNH-2109Resolved issue: NH-2109
- NHibernate is unable to resolve classes in a dynamically loaded assembly loaded from a subdirectoryNH-2063Resolved issue: NH-2063OrenE
- Locking on queries that return scalar values throws exception: could not locate alias to apply lock modeNH-1968
- Possibility to improve hbm.xml Mapping file configurationNH-1921Resolved issue: NH-1921
- Exception in TransactionScope disposeNH-1918Resolved issue: NH-1918
- StatefulPersistenceContext.RemoveEntity KeyNotFoundException on EvictNH-1845Resolved issue: NH-1845
- AliasToBean transformer doesn't work correctly with MultiQueryNH-1836Resolved issue: NH-1836
- AbstractEntityPersister.Delete is not virtualNH-1829Resolved issue: NH-1829
- Exception in OnSave for an Association causes problems for Evict of the rootNH-1651Resolved issue: NH-1651
- session.Save ArgumentOutOfRangeException when using many-to-one in a subclassNH-1624Resolved issue: NH-1624
- NullSafeSet is called with incorrect indexNH-1622Resolved issue: NH-1622
- Native SQL queries for value collections fail with NullReferenceExceptionNH-1612Resolved issue: NH-1612Fabio Maulo
- NullReferenceException construting Criteria queryNH-1499Resolved issue: NH-1499Tuna Toksoz
- Redundant result for FetchMode.EagerNH-1470Resolved issue: NH-1470
- Join element doesn't support keys with property-refsNH-1452Resolved issue: NH-1452Alex Zaytsev
- Expression.Sql should support aliases other than {alias}NH-1432Resolved issue: NH-1432Alex Zaytsev
- SELECT n + 1 problem when using an (id)bag with composite-element and 'join' fetch-strategyNH-1423Resolved issue: NH-1423
- Ability to add projection on entity.NH-1372Resolved issue: NH-1372
- Possibility to deactivate row count checkingNH-1353Resolved issue: NH-1353
- QueryTranslator: Invalid Cast to object array when using IResultTransformerNH-1344Resolved issue: NH-1344
- ICompositeUserType thorw "Invalid index 5 for this SqlParameterCollection with Count=4" on NullSafeSet methodNH-1287Resolved issue: NH-1287
- Query Cache does not support Batch Loading using batch-sizeNH-1247Resolved issue: NH-1247
- XML Entity support in mapping files brokenNH-1236Resolved issue: NH-1236
- Flushing inconsistencies cause IInterceptor to fire unexpectedlyNH-1159Resolved issue: NH-1159
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