NHibernate causing many Inactive sessions in Oracle

Frédéric Delaporte January 5, 2018 at 4:54 PM
Reading your report, it does not seem related to NHibernate.Search but only to NHibernate.
If it is related to NHibernate.Search, may you please explain how?
Otherwise, NHibernate issues are to be reported on GitHub, here.
Please by the way provide more details, like code sample to reproduce the trouble, database version, Nhibernate version, ... Or way better, a complete test case (see contributing).
Reading the few lines here, we could believe you are not closing the session nor disposing the transaction and session, which is then an unsupported case.
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NHibernate causing many Inactive sessions in Oracle
When we call OpenSession method on sessionfactory and do a transaction.
After commit, it leave inactive session in oracle database.