- Found the unexpected error Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memoryNH-4074Resolved issue: NH-4074
- Provide a correct MaxAliasLength for various dialectsNH-4006Resolved issue: NH-4006Frédéric Delaporte
- Mapping System.Type from a database string - doesn't ignore the assembly version numberNH-3994Resolved issue: NH-3994
- ToFuture provides ArgumentException at MultiQueryImpl.CreateCombinedQueryParametersNH-3983Resolved issue: NH-3983
- MappedAs() does not workNH-3941Resolved issue: NH-3941Alex Zaytsev
- Revert NH-3904NH-3940Resolved issue: NH-3940Alex Zaytsev
- Linq projection returns object with defaults instead of null when db reference is nullNH-3938
- Wrong constant parameter evaluation in Linq providerNH-3937Resolved issue: NH-3937Alex Zaytsev
- PropertRef generates extra Left Outer JoinNH-3936
- Proper Setup of Listeners For DINH-3935
- NHibernate Linq Query To Postgresql FailingNH-3933Resolved issue: NH-3933Alex Zaytsev
- Merge() may fire unnecessary updates if collection and version mapping existsNH-3932Resolved issue: NH-3932Alex Zaytsev
- Invalid order of child inserts when using TPH inheritanceNH-3931Resolved issue: NH-3931
- Support for mapping/quering JSON fieldsNH-3930
- ExpressionParameterVisitor selects wrong CustomType for ConstantExpression (Linq)NH-3929Resolved issue: NH-3929Alex Zaytsev
- Invalid SQL generatedNH-3928
- Support lamdas in linq expressionNH-3926Resolved issue: NH-3926
- Reflection Optimizer tries to cast values to getter type in setterNH-3911Resolved issue: NH-3911
- Regression on join following refactoring of NH-3801NH-3909Resolved issue: NH-3909
- Regression on join following refactoring of NH-3801NH-3908Resolved issue: NH-3908
- Oracle12c dialect issue when criteria has SetMaxResults(0).NH-3852
- Release 4.1NH-3849Resolved issue: NH-3849
- Left Outer Join with Aggregating Group By and Conditional Key FailureNH-3844Resolved issue: NH-3844
- Conditional expressions in LINQ SelectNH-3818Resolved issue: NH-3818Alex Zaytsev
- Conditionals in Select are too permissiveNH-3816Resolved issue: NH-3816Alex Zaytsev
- AddJoinsReWriter disassociates Select expressions and GroupBy key expressionsNH-3801Resolved issue: NH-3801Alex Zaytsev
- Enable update ordering for improved batchingNH-3783Resolved issue: NH-3783Alex Zaytsev
- Add support for identity columns to Oracle 12c dialectNH-3768
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