- Enums in LINQ query do not provide correct values for SQL statement parametersNHLQ-98
- Equals Expression ignores custom methods.NHLQ-92
- Improper handling of lambdas that look like 'x => true' in queriesNHLQ-91
- Contains/StartWith error when using MS SQL SERVER CE (Visual Studio database for developers)NHLQ-90
- NHibernate cuts two last symbols of filter pattern when using IsInsensitiveLike and MatchMode.Anywhere with limited field length in DBNHLQ-89
- Fetch/Cacheable Should Be Called AnyoneNHLQ-88
- "where" after "group by" not workingNHLQ-87
- Properties of Dynamic-Components can't be queriedNHLQ-86
- Last() Not ImplementedNHLQ-85
- Incorrect table alias generated in where clauseNHLQ-83
- NHibernate 3CR1: Fetching strategy poblemsNHLQ-82
- NHibernate 3CR1: Conversion From Linq Query to Sql, generates sql syntax problem of unnecessary bracketsNHLQ-81
- string comparison parameter in the where clause is not being passed into the generated SQL after a previous execution with 'null' as the parameter valueNHLQ-80
- Update to .Net 4.0 causes unit tests to fail with "Extension node must override the property Expression.NodeType."NHLQ-78
- Linq query with some null parameter in where clause is cached wronglyNHLQ-77
- LINQ query does not honour fetch="join" mapping attribute applied to a setNHLQ-76
- Take() doesn't seem to work in nHibernate.linqNHLQ-74
- No implementation for Coalesce Binary ExpressionNHLQ-73
- Linq-to-NHibernate issue with paging and countsNHLQ-72
- sourceforge download brokenNHLQ-71Resolved issue: NHLQ-71Stephen Bohlen
- Take or First does a Limit on all lines when join and not only on primary entitiyNHLQ-70
- LINQ Paging ErrorNHLQ-69
- String compare when using VB.NET throws ArgumentExceptionNHLQ-68
- Passing expressions on nested queries fails..NHLQ-67
- Index was out of range, ToLower() method does not have any argumentsNHLQ-66
- Short-circuiting of boolean operatorsNHLQ-65
- Cannot query components using an expression built around an interfaceNHLQ-64
- SelectMany support without needing to mantain the parameter nameNHLQ-63
- .ToSting() is not supported in SelectNHLQ-62
- Generated sql for addition to another property doesn't consider the other propertyNHLQ-61
- Subselect fetched one-to-many relationship does not generate child SQL that takes into consideration Skip() and Take()NHLQ-60
- Problems with "degenerate" selects when eager fetching using Expand with DistinctRootEntityResultTransformerNHLQ-59
- Count() incorrect when using polymorphic query (mapped table per class hierarchy)NHLQ-58
- using Length in Linq query throws errorNHLQ-57
- where clause returns invalid results that prevent WCF data services from navigation relationshipsNHLQ-56
- ToLower() / ToUpper() in where clause (where stu.Name.ToLower().Contains(nameFragment)) produces opposite SQL clause to expectedNHLQ-55
- problem with var q = NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().Linq<Person>().OrderBy(x => x.LastName ).ThenBy(x=>x.Id).GroupBy(x=>x.LastName).OrderBy(x=>x.Key).Select(x => new object[] { (x.Key), (x.Count()) } );NHLQ-54
- Expression translation doesn't handle components properlyNHLQ-53
- Joins become LEFT OUTER JOIN by default. Should be LEFT JOIN. Or: Implement DefaultIfEmpty()NHLQ-52
- WhereArgumentsVisitor does not take proxied entities into accountNHLQ-51Resolved issue: NHLQ-51Chad Lee
- Support for Get methods for collections (instead of property accessors for collectionsNHLQ-50
- NHibernateContext (ADO.NET Data Services support) bugfixNHLQ-49Resolved issue: NHLQ-49Chad Lee
- "System.ArgumentException: Expression of type 'System.Int32' cannot be used for return type 'System.Boolean'" message when searching for a string matchNHLQ-48
- The SingleResultOperator result operator is not current supportedNHLQ-47
- Where(x => "my constant string".Contains(x.MyProp)) throws System.InvalidOperationException : Expression argument must be of type ICollection.NHLQ-46
- Bitwise Operations with Flagged Enums throw ExceptionNHLQ-45
- InvalidCastException when trying to use a constant in a queryNHLQ-44
- Duplicate alias QueryException thrown when executing a modified linq queryNHLQ-43
- Cannot select the entire instance and some of its properties in projectionsNHLQ-42
- OrderBy(x => x) failingNHLQ-41
50 of 90