Expose helper method to get underlying instance from a proxy

Lee Henson June 8, 2009 at 6:47 AM
Ah I wasn't aware of those methods on PersistenceContext. That's fine, although could we extend the Unproxy method there to allow you specify that you want the proxy initialized? e.g.
Unproxy(object maybeProxy)
return Unproxy(maybeProxy, false);
Unproxy(object maybeProxy, bool initialize)
INHibernateProxy proxy = maybeProxy as INHibernateProxy;
if (proxy != null)
ILazyInitializer li = proxy.HibernateLazyInitializer;
if (li.IsUninitialized && !initialize)
throw new PersistentObjectException("object was an uninitialized proxy for " + li.PersistentClass.FullName);
return li.GetImplementation(); // unwrap the object
return maybeProxy;
(Patch attached for that change)
When you say Unproxy is unsafe, what do you mean? It's kind of a power-user method anyway, something to call when you really have to, not an everyday thing.

Fabio Maulo June 4, 2009 at 10:27 AM
Please attach a test case is you want it for NH2.1.0

Fabio Maulo June 4, 2009 at 10:24 AM
For real you have all you need, and much more, in IPersistenceContext
A simple NHibernateProxyHelper.Unproxy(proxy) is unsafe, btw its usage is under user responsibility.

Lee Henson June 4, 2009 at 9:17 AM
Patch for trunk.

Patch adds support for:
var underlyingInstance = NHibernateProxyHelper.Unproxy(proxy);
It simply extracts the proxy initialization logic out of NHibernateUtil.GetClass() and puts in a client-usable form.