Improve type autodiscovery for datetime2 column in CreateSQLQuery() (CustomLoader)
is related to

Frédéric Delaporte July 20, 2018 at 12:18 PM
Moved here.
In NHibernate 5.0 (), the default DateTime
type does no more cut fractional seconds. Moreover, with SQL Server 2008 dialect and later, the default DbType
used for DateTime
is DateTime2

Alex Zaytsev April 20, 2017 at 10:43 PM
Moving to improvement.

Alex Zaytsev April 20, 2017 at 10:38 PM
Here is a simple workaround:

R April 13, 2017 at 8:47 AM
Who's Looking?
When reading a value from a "datetime2" column via Session.CreateSQLQuery() the milliseconds are lost.
Same query using "Session.Query<T>()" works.
Error cause:
In class "CustomLoader" method "GetHibernateType()":
"GetFieldType()" returns for a "datetime2" column "Datetime" which resolves to the "DateTimeType" from NHibernate which cuts the milliseconds.
If we use "GetDataTypeName()" for getting column type we get "datetime2" which then resolves correctly to "DateTime2Type".
So I think using "GetFieldType()" should only be used as a fallback if resolving via "GetDataTypeName()" didn't return a result.