To be able generate validators from NHib metadata, if no validators defined explicitly
Validators can fine-tune NHib metadata (Generate SQL constraints) when ApplyToDDL option is enabled. Let it do backward task - if no validation defined explicitly, extract NHib mappings info and generate validator based on this info with AutoGenerateFromMapping option.
Usage scenario: Entities mapped to DB with some NHib convention. If length of some string field must be changed - specific validator declared and ApplyToDDL option used. For properties where length is defined by convention - no specific validators declared, but validation attributes are created in run-time when AutoGenerateFromMapping option is enabled. .
Validators can fine-tune NHib metadata (Generate SQL constraints) when ApplyToDDL option is enabled.
Let it do backward task - if no validation defined explicitly, extract NHib mappings info and generate validator based on this info with AutoGenerateFromMapping option.
Usage scenario:
Entities mapped to DB with some NHib convention.
If length of some string field must be changed - specific validator declared and ApplyToDDL option used.
For properties where length is defined by convention - no specific validators declared, but validation attributes are created in run-time when AutoGenerateFromMapping option is enabled. .