Add ValidateInstance.By(Func<T, bool> isValidDelegate) overload

Fabio Maulo December 6, 2010 at 4:18 AM
The parameter "c" is IConstraintValidatorContext

Gian Marco Gherardi December 5, 2010 at 11:50 PM
Hi, looking at my code, i see that i use many of this validations:
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatAssociationHasMaxTwoSides).WithMessage("an association can have two sides at most.");
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatBidirectionalAssociationHasConsistentTypes).WithMessage("the 2 sides of an association must have consistent types.");
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatBidirectionalAssociationHasOneInverseSide).WithMessage("a bidirectional association must have one inverse side.");
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatNameIsUnique).WithMessage("Field name must be unique in containing type.");
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatIdIsUnique).WithMessage("Field id must be unique in containing type.");
ValidateInstance.By((x, c) => AssertThatTypeExists).WithMessage("referenced Type does not exists.");
So i think that the feature i'm requesting is already there.

Fabio Maulo December 5, 2010 at 7:46 AM
Which is the aggregate value ?
In general, where you have invalid values, you have to add messages to the IConstraintValidatorContext
Should be really easy to add it