- InvalidCastException from FindDirty on many-to-one association with property-ref to composite-id classNH-3453Resolved issue: NH-3453
- Nhibernate compatibility with sql server 2012NH-3393Resolved issue: NH-3393
- cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table '' when identity_insert is set to offNH-3323Resolved issue: NH-3323
- Row_number() not workingNH-2462Resolved issue: NH-2462
- GetSequenceNextValString for Informix is wrongNH-2236Resolved issue: NH-2236
- Cascading StaleStateException doesn't show which Entity caused the problemNH-2228Resolved issue: NH-2228
- Register function Concat fo MySql to avoid null problemNH-2142Resolved issue: NH-2142
- CriterionUtil.GetColumnNamesUsingPropertyName has an inverse type checkNH-2072Resolved issue: NH-2072
- AbstractFlushingEventListener has an issue with property-ref collectionsNH-2054Resolved issue: NH-2054
- Exceptions serializationNH-2021Resolved issue: NH-2021
- Clarification about the use of <import> for polymorphic queriesNH-2019Resolved issue: NH-2019
- Error parsing HQL QueryNH-2012Resolved issue: NH-2012
- Exception in OracleCommand Execute requires the command to have a transaction object when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized.NH-1932Resolved issue: NH-1932
- CreateFilter does not use the order-by attribute of the current collection.NH-1800Resolved issue: NH-1800
- NullReferenceException in DynamicComponentType.GetPropertyValuesNH-1796Resolved issue: NH-1796
- TableHiLoGenerator fail in a TransactionScope with MySQL databaseNH-1764Resolved issue: NH-1764
- test task to troubleshoot e-mail notification troubles with jiraNH-1740Resolved issue: NH-1740
- Make AliasToBeanResultTransformer able to return types with a non-public constructorNH-1702Resolved issue: NH-1702
- InvalidCastException from FindDirty on many-to-one association with property-ref to composite-id classNH-1630Resolved issue: NH-1630
- Executing a Projection Query, performs 2 SQL queries and duplicate the result listNH-1626Resolved issue: NH-1626
- String property length specified and got "String or binary data would be truncated"NH-1565Resolved issue: NH-1565
- NHibernate misplaces JOIN conditions when WHERE references their columns and others altoghetherNH-1507Resolved issue: NH-1507
- select statement for discriminated class does not include discriminator column if no subclass existsNH-1504Resolved issue: NH-1504
- MultiQueryImpl.GetResultList does not use Result Transformers correctly.NH-1485Resolved issue: NH-1485
- MsSql2005Dialect paging queries does not scaleNH-1465Resolved issue: NH-1465
- Group By Property without adding it to the select clauseNH-1426
- MsSql2005Dialect does not handle parameters in the order by clause correctlyNH-1424Resolved issue: NH-1424
- Support DEFAULTs, for properties values, in mappingsNH-1416Resolved issue: NH-1416
- Wrong SQL-statement generation when where-attribute setting sentence contain QuotingNH-1414Resolved issue: NH-1414
- Spelling mistake in error message: sublcass must be subclassNH-1411Resolved issue: NH-1411
- Spelling mistake in error message: sublcass must be subclassNH-1410Resolved issue: NH-1410
- ordery-by in class mappingsNH-1404Resolved issue: NH-1404
- HQL string literals with dots in are tried loaded as types (classes) and failsNH-1400Resolved issue: NH-1400
- Map does not delete keys if value of the key is nullNH-1388Resolved issue: NH-1388
- Components with (non-C#) Nullables do not follow documentation sect. 7.1 "if all component columns are null, then the entire component is null"NH-1383Resolved issue: NH-1383
- Oracle Dialect support for Unsigned Int (UInt32, UInt64)NH-1382Resolved issue: NH-1382
- New Drivers using ADO.NET's DbProviderFactoriesNH-1378Resolved issue: NH-1378
- bidirectional one-to-one mapping with foreign key assosiation and redundant queriesNH-1366
- Correctly split column name and alias pair into column name and alias (for MsSQL2005)NH-1352
- ICriteria.SetMaxResult() throws invalid query exception with MsSQL2005DialectNH-1349Resolved issue: NH-1349
- SetMaxResult does not work with SQLite (SQLiteDialect)NH-1347Resolved issue: NH-1347
- QueryTranslator: Invalid Cast to object array when using IResultTransformerNH-1344Resolved issue: NH-1344
- Ordering by Formula Property when paging will cause invalid SQL on SQL Server 2005NH-1340Resolved issue: NH-1340
- Subsequent update of generated property fails because of syntax error in select statementNH-1337Resolved issue: NH-1337
- Native id generator as default and make generator optional in configNH-1336Resolved issue: NH-1336
- Lazy ChildCollections Owner issue when serializingNH-1323Resolved issue: NH-1323
- Build nhibernate under mono 1.2.x or 1.9.xNH-1319Resolved issue: NH-1319
- Enum fields cannot be mapped to database on DB2NH-1318Resolved issue: NH-1318
- PostgreSQL dialect use of lastval to retrieve last inserted "id" not safe with TriggersNH-1316Resolved issue: NH-1316Alex Zaytsev
- Query cache holds stale data from custom sql queriesNH-1312Resolved issue: NH-1312
50 of 95
When one class (A) references another (B) using a composite-id, through a many-to-one association with a property-ref, all operations appear to work normally except for the update – which fails on the call to FlushDirty on A with a new reference to a B (either new or existing B). It seems as if the flush dirty ignores the property-ref association and attempts to ascertain whether the property is dirty by comparing the property-ref's actual value (which is an integer) to the new B's composite identifier.
I will attach a test ASAP.
System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'NHibernate.Test.NHSpecificTest.NH1234.WidgetCategory'.
Tested with SQLite ADO.Net provider (found on ms sql 2005)