- Nhibernate - The same in parameter value will be applied with different name to different future queriesNH-4044Resolved issue: NH-4044
- ORA-01483 when inserting two blobs and a date using the OracleManagedDataClientDriverNH-3620Resolved issue: NH-3620
- Using Projections.Conditional inside of Projections.Count and Projections.Avg generates invalid sql.NH-3609Resolved issue: NH-3609Alex Zaytsev
- AbstractSessionImpl abstract method visibilityNH-3608Resolved issue: NH-3608Alex Zaytsev
- NullReferenceException in StatefulPersistenceContext.OnDeserialization() with proxies not completely deserializedNH-3574Resolved issue: NH-3574Alex Zaytsev
- memory when using default_batch_fetch_sizeNH-3530Resolved issue: NH-3530
- Adding object to list wont be savedNH-3520
- NHibernate SqlServer2012Dialect drop sequence bugNH-3496Resolved issue: NH-3496
- Can't set precision and scale on decimal when creating SQL Server CE table with NHibernateNH-3481Resolved issue: NH-3481
- StatefulPersistenceContext.RemoveEntity KeyNotFoundException on EvictNH-3478Resolved issue: NH-3478Alex Zaytsev
- Ability to select the root entity in a criteria projectionNH-3435Resolved issue: NH-3435
- Merge fix for bug NH-3058 into 3.NextNH-3432Resolved issue: NH-3432
- Configuration.GenerateSchemaCreationScript doesn't quote column names no matter hbm2ddl.keywordsNH-3427
- Indexes: Generated Identifier Too LongNH-3422
- Indexes for associations to non physical classes/tablesNH-3421
- Support fetch grandchildren on QueryOver().Fetch()NH-3419Resolved issue: NH-3419Richard Brown
- HQL "Is" Is Not Working for Joined and Union Subclass MappingNH-3418Resolved issue: NH-3418
- Group By Entity Does Not WorkNH-3416Resolved issue: NH-3416
- Queries with sub-query in ThenBy failNH-3414Resolved issue: NH-3414
- Clearing a list used by Contains causes subsequent queries to failNH-3413Resolved issue: NH-3413Alex Zaytsev
- Reflection optimizer not used for componentsNH-3410Resolved issue: NH-3410Alex Zaytsev
- Cannot Use XDocument When Setting Wrap ResultsetsNH-3405Resolved issue: NH-3405Alex Zaytsev
- Wrong parameter size in query with MsSql2000Dialect,MsSql2005Dialect and MsSql2008DialectNH-3403Resolved issue: NH-3403
- When using ComponentAsId, mappings to Id fields that are from a base class (virtual or not) do not work.NH-3390Resolved issue: NH-3390Alex Zaytsev
- Add Support For Mapping Set Elements in Conventions Model MapperNH-3388Resolved issue: NH-3388Alex Zaytsev
- Linq OrderBy NewID()NH-3386Resolved issue: NH-3386
- Add ability to expand many subcollections with WCF Data ServicesNH-3385Resolved issue: NH-3385Alex Zaytsev
- Fix for multiple objects of CascadeStyle in Memory that should be singletonNH-3383Resolved issue: NH-3383Oskar Berggren
- One-To-Many of Union-Subclass saves to wrong tableNH-3380
- Oracle8iDialect and FirebirdDialect incorrect handle DbType.Currency typeNH-3379Resolved issue: NH-3379Alex Zaytsev
- MySQLDialect incorrect handle DbType.Currency as MONEYNH-3378Resolved issue: NH-3378Alex Zaytsev
- Constants inside Linq aggregates not supportedNH-3376Resolved issue: NH-3376Alex Zaytsev
- Session.Merge throws InvalidCastException when using a Lazy bytes[] propertyNH-3374Resolved issue: NH-3374
- Linq Fetch through components has no effectNH-3373Resolved issue: NH-3373Alex Zaytsev
- Support generated columns in combination with explicit loaderNH-3372Resolved issue: NH-3372Alex Zaytsev
- Remove warning about "NHibernate.Type.CustomType -- the custom type * is not serializable"NH-3370Resolved issue: NH-3370Alex Zaytsev
- ToFuture/ToFutureValue should fall-back on dialects without MultiQuery supportNH-3369Resolved issue: NH-3369Alex Zaytsev
- Add support for Equals method of sbyte, DateTimeOffset and unsigned numericsNH-3368Resolved issue: NH-3368Alex Zaytsev
- Support string.Equals()NH-3367Resolved issue: NH-3367Alex Zaytsev
- LINQ query with various Compare() and CompareTo() fails (WCF Data Services)NH-3366Resolved issue: NH-3366Oskar Berggren
- Support for HasFlag method for enums with Flags attribute applied.NH-3365Resolved issue: NH-3365
- Dynamic EntityModeNH-3364Resolved issue: NH-3364
- Initializing a bag after queued add causes incorrect behaviorNH-3362Resolved issue: NH-3362
- Select statement is not working if composite key with a string type keyNH-3361Resolved issue: NH-3361
- System.NotSupportedException : Don't currently support idents of type DateTimeOffsetNH-3357Resolved issue: NH-3357Oskar Berggren
- ExpandedWrapper over collection property throws TargetInvocationExceptionNH-3354Resolved issue: NH-3354
- Duplicate records using Future()NH-3350Resolved issue: NH-3350
- Allow many-to-one using not-null foreign-key while using inverse=false on the one-sideNH-3348
- Lazy loading of ISet throws exception when no resultNH-3342
- Cast<> confuses Linq translator: drops filtersNH-3335
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