- NHibernate causing many Inactive sessions in OracleNHSR-47PaulP
- Update Search for NH 4.0NHSR-46Resolved issue: NHSR-46PaulP
- Support Lucene 3.0.3NHSR-44Resolved issue: NHSR-44PaulP
- NullReferenceException in AttributeSearchMapping if NHibernate.Envers is usedNHSR-43PaulP
- Inconsistent Lucene.Net depedency between actual DLL and NuGet setupNHSR-42Resolved issue: NHSR-42PaulP
- Be able to configure a LockFactoryNHSR-41PaulP
- Ability to configure mergePolicy and mergeSchedulerNHSR-40PaulP
- Integration with NHibernate.EnversNHSR-39PaulP
- FullTextQuery with field projections doesn't populate fields from IndexEmbedded components or classesNHSR-38PaulP
- Dead Lock: delete with optimizeNHSR-37PaulP
- Indexing subclass fields by IndexEmbeddedNHSR-36PaulP
- Release compatible with NH 3.0 GANHSR-35Resolved issue: NHSR-35
- Wrong Patch for NHSR - 25 was appliedNHSR-34
- Receiving error: Criteria query entity should match query entity when calling SetCriteriaQueryNHSR-33
- Updated Lucene to 2.9.2NHSR-32Resolved issue: NHSR-32
- Release a 3.0.0 Alpha 1 buildNHSR-31Resolved issue: NHSR-31PaulP
- Release a 2.1.2 buildNHSR-30Resolved issue: NHSR-30Patrick Earl
- Class Bridges on Classes with SubtypesNHSR-29
- Allowing WHERE clause on criteria set by SetCriteriaQueryNHSR-28
- When Using Projections, Last Projection Column Is Not RetrievedNHSR-27
- Upgrade to Lucene.Net 2.4NHSR-26Resolved issue: NHSR-26PaulP
- Manual Indexing Dynamically Proxied Objects Causes Unwanted BehaviorNHSR-25Resolved issue: NHSR-25PaulP
- [Patch] Mapping strategy abstractionNHSR-24Resolved issue: NHSR-24PaulP
- Registering a filter through a FullTextFilterDef attribute fails if entity has subclassesNHSR-23Resolved issue: NHSR-23PaulP
- False sharding indexNHSR-22Resolved issue: NHSR-22PaulP
- exception when searchingNHSR-21
- Provide the possibility to configure writer.setRAMBufferSizeMB() (Lucene 2.3)NHSR-20Resolved issue: NHSR-20PaulP
- Filter tests fail if all run togetherNHSR-19Resolved issue: NHSR-19PaulP
- IndexWritters are not initialized appropriatelyNHSR-18Resolved issue: NHSR-18PaulP
- Multiple select queries produced for fulltext resultNHSR-17Resolved issue: NHSR-17PaulP
- When workspace close reader before getWriter, it forgets to exit lockNHSR-16Resolved issue: NHSR-16
- The sharding property reading part wasn't ported correctly causing multiple unnecessary providers created.NHSR-15Resolved issue: NHSR-15
- upgrade dll to 2.3.2NHSR-14Resolved issue: NHSR-14PaulP
- PurgeAll on IFullTextSessionNHSR-13Resolved issue: NHSR-13
- Make the event listeners in FullTextIndexEventListener class virtualNHSR-12Resolved issue: NHSR-12PaulP
- FullTextIndexEventListener is not found when it is not first in the event listener chainNHSR-11Resolved issue: NHSR-11PaulP
- Lucene indexes dependent on object assembly versionsNHSR-10Resolved issue: NHSR-10PaulP
- Retrieving unique records using NHibernate criteriaNHSR-9Resolved issue: NHSR-9
- Term Vectors supportNHSR-8
- Implement OptimizeNHSR-7Resolved issue: NHSR-7
- Default directory provider is wrongNHSR-6Resolved issue: NHSR-6
- PurgeAll didn't work from IFullTextSessionNHSR-5Resolved issue: NHSR-5PaulP
- Index dir existNHSR-4Resolved issue: NHSR-4PaulP
- Support for using NHibernate.Search on entities that has a Guid as IdNHSR-3Resolved issue: NHSR-3
- NHibernate.Search is not CLS compliant.NHSR-1Resolved issue: NHSR-1
- Implement FullTextQueryImpl.ExecuteUpdate()NHSR-2Resolved issue: NHSR-2
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NHibernate causing many Inactive sessions in Oracle
When we call OpenSession method on sessionfactory and do a transaction.
After commit, it leave inactive session in oracle database.